We take our content seriously, so in order to be approved as an instructor, there are several requirements that need to be satisfied.

Educational and professional background

At this moment eSTEMM will only accept instructors who meet one of the following criteria:

  1. Advanced degree from an accredited academic institution.
  2. Professional experience in the fields of interest.

Advanced degrees include any graduate level or professional degrees from an accredited higher education institution. Examples include doctoral degrees, masters degrees, or professional degrees like MD, DPT, etc.

In lieu of advanced degrees, eSTEMM will also consider professional experiences in the fields of interest. Examples include demonstrable professional experience as a software engineer without an academic degree in software engineering.


eSTEMM does not permit anonymous authoring of the courses. Both first and last names, as well as any relevant titles are required to be included with the course publication.

To reiterate, registration and publishing under screen names, pen names, or pseudonyms is not permitted.

Background check

While not enforced at this point in time, eSTEMM reserves the right to request and run background checks on the instructors. Failure to comply or pass a criminal, education, or employment background checks may result in the removal of the courses from eSTEMM catalogue, embargo on earning withdrawals from eSTEMM, and termination of instructor status with eSTEMM.

Earnings withdrawal

At this point in time, instructors may only withdraw balances 7 days after payments are posted and once their total earned balance exceeds $100 (US dollars).

At this point in time, instructors may only receive the withdrawals to their PayPal accounts. Alternatives may be allowed in extremely rare scenarios and case-to-case basis as determined by eSTEMM.

Profit sharing

Profits sharing schema is as follows: instructor takes 75%, eSTEMM takes 25% of the net amount paid for the course.

At the beginning of the year, course reviewers will equally share 5% (from the 25% of the eSTEMM portion) of the net amount paid for the courses in the preceding year. Course reviewers are qualified, handpicked eSTEMM instructors.

A course regular price is $100 but it is on sale for $50. For each purchase of the course at the sale price, instructor will earn $37.5 and the remaining $12.5 will go to eSTEMM. For each purchase of the course at the regular price, $75 will go to the instructor and $25 to eSTEMM.

Tax forms

eSTEMM instructors are treated as independent contractors and those that qualify under IRS guidelines will receive 1099 forms. Currently, IRS requires 1099 to be provided to US taxpayers who earn more than $600 in a fiscal year.

All earning instructors, regardless of meeting the above criteria, will be required to report following information prior to their first withdrawal: legal name, complete physical address of residence, and in case of US taxpayers SSN/TIN.

Equal opportunity

eSTEMM is dedicated to maintaining a diverse, inclusive, and safe space for all instructors. Thus, apart from educational and professional requirements, eSTEMM will not consider race, ethnicity, age, sex, gender, or nationality when granting instructor status.

Discrimination and harassment

eSTEMM takes discrimination and harassment very seriously, and eSTEMM reserves the right to moderate any and all content on the main website and eSTEMM adjacent presence.

Thus, eSTEMM will remove content deemed inappropriate, discriminatory, or harassing. eSTEMM will also issue warnings to authors of such content. Failure to rectify or repeated breach of discrimination and harassment policies may result in the removal of the courses from eSTEMM catalogue, embargo on earning withdrawals from eSTEMM, and termination of instructor status with eSTEMM.

We strive to deliver high quality content to our learners. Thus, all of our courses will be reviewed and must satisfy the following minimal requirements.


Course instructors will create and useful and informative courses that reflect eSTEMM mission and ideals.


Reviewers will comprehensively review each course prior to its publication to ensure its quality.

Instructors & Reviewers

Courses will be revised by instructors and reviewers prior to the final approval by eSTEMM.

Instructors & Reviewers

Courses will be maintained by instructors and reviewers or substituted by an updated version.

Course Creation
  1. Courses should be organized in coherent units containing lessons, quizzes, and assignments.
  2. Course slides should use the following google slides template.
  3. Lessons should be made up of high-quality videos and additional reading list.
  4. Quizzes should be concise but comprehensive, and test relevant knowledge fairly.
  5. Assignments should be optional but allow extended familiarization with the subject matter.
Course Review
  1. Reviewers should take the course as if they were students.
  2. Reviewers should make note of inaccuracies and errors in a provided Google document.
  3. Reviewers should make note of grammatical errors and typos in a provided Google document.
  4. Reviewers should submit their notes to the authors and eSTEMM in a timely manner.
Course Revision
  1. Authors should make notes on reviewer notes, either confirming corrections or commenting why changes were not made.
  2. Any disputes and finalized review notes should be submitted to eSTEMM for final revision and course approval.
  3. eSTEMM will finalize course review and provide final approval for publication.
  4. Pricing for the course will be determined between eSTEMM and course instructors.
Course Maintenance
  1. Instructors should maintain courses, updating them with appropriate changes and corrections as necessary.
  2. Instructors should put an effort in answering Q&As and addressing students’ concerns.
  3. Instructors should put forward additional lessons or update the existing lessons.
  4. Instructors should notify eSTEMM should they decide not to maintain the course.
  5. After over a year of inactivity, eSTEMM may add additional instructors to the course to help maintaining it, which may result in profit sharing changes.

Ready to join us?

make courses

earn income